Wednesday, February 29, 2012

What is a good Customization game like Oblivion / Dragon Age for Consoles?

Hi, I am looking for a Good game that has a lot of customization like Oblivion and Dragon Age does. I am looking for a game for PS3 mostly, Xbox 360 will do too. I already heard about Demon's Souls too. Just want a fun RPG that lets you pick up armor, pick skills, and get new weapons. If anyone knows any games like this let me know, or if anyone knows any games like this that will be released this year.What is a good Customization game like Oblivion / Dragon Age for Consoles?
if u liked oblivion and dragon age just like i did , you must try Fallout 3 it was made by the same company as oblivion but the setting is in the future.What is a good Customization game like Oblivion / Dragon Age for Consoles?
Nothing is as good as oblivion. Have you downloaded the extra packs for this?

Other than that fable II is ok, but quite linear. And Demon Souls is also very good.What is a good Customization game like Oblivion / Dragon Age for Consoles?
oblivion and dragon age is really fun. :O there's this other game by the creators of oblivion, it's called Fallout3. its like this shooting game and u make ur own character, gain new weapons. free roam too. In oblivion when u kill an enemy u can grab their stuff and in fallout u can do it too. there are ALOT of fun missions. it's also very creative :)
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