Sunday, March 4, 2012

How to own at Dragon Age Origins?

I suck at Dragon Age and I want to know how to get better. Is there any guides or tips you can give me.How to own at Dragon Age Origins?
Dragon Age Origins Tricky Tips n' Hints for Players

by Chris Cacheux // ccacheux (@7) kendall (D0T) edu

Last Updated December 6, 2009

These are just a few things a found through my gameplay, thought I could post

them as tips for other Dragon Age players.

[] None of the "missions" reset themselves or go fubar if you leave halfway

through, so don't be afraid to back out, hit the camp to heal injuries, hop

around a couple locations to restock on healing potions, and then come back and

finish the job. The one exception so far, is the circle of mages tower, which

locks behind you.

[] Leliana, the third (human) addition to your crew, is pretty good with both

lockpicking and petty theft, so unless you really want all the goodies in

Ostagar (and your origin story) you can ignore theft and lockpicking for your


[] You should absolutely ignore herbalism for your main character. It has no

effect on your ability to use potions, only create them. Let another party

member handle the brewing and stay focused on combat and coercion.

[] If you are playing a rogue with Stealth talent under your belt, take traps.

It will open up a lot of pre-fight possibilities, like making Morrigan hold her

Position down the hall, then leaving a gauntlet of snares and bombs to slow

down the charging hordes. Then sneak up to an enemy, drop a claw trap at his

feet, and then backstab him. The claw trap should give you enough time to lead

him and his buddies toward Morrigan without taking too much of a beating, then

let your traps and her spells drop 'em for good.

[] Although the game gives you the option, DO NOT start loading up your

characters with alternate weapon sets. Strength is useless in ranged combat,

and archers don't have the armor or the hit points to "stand-and-bang", and

mages just suck at everything that isn't magic. You are much better off having

each character pick a role and stick with it, developing a well rounded team

instead of well rounded fighters.

[] The only exception is Leliana (the third human addition to the party). Give

her a pair of decent daggers as alternates and enough talent boosts to make her

better thyan useless with them, just in case she winds up being the last one

standing. All the other characters excel in close combat anyway, so if they are

left just run up and bash 'em.

[] Make sure you hit up the quartermaster in Ostagar both before and after you

enter the Wilds. Each time you do, he will have a backpack for sale for a

little over 50 silvers. This is a great opportunity to boost your inventory

capacity, since after you leave Ostagar you won't find another backpack cheaper

than six gold (at least I haven't).

[] Horde ice arrows. you will find these readily enoch throughout the game, but

against most enemies they don't make much of a difference. In a few key

battles, though, they can take an archer from being strictly support to being a

serious offensive player.

[] Although the game allows you to preset strategies for your allies, DO NOT

rely on them. Allies with a lot of tricks up their sleeves may just use them

redundantly on the same enemy. There is no point in stunning a soldier that is

already knocked down or frozen. Then when you need those abillities, you find

yourself stuck with cool-down times.

[] Other than getting Morrigan to like you and picking up the reaver spec,

there doesn't seem to be much benefit to being a prick. It's an option if you

want it, but be warned that your healer, human shield/mage detterent, and your

only useful archer will not approve and may leave the party.

[] The best way to make lots of money is to steal it -- plain and simple. Have

Leliana go into town with you and pickpocket everybody. Barring a fight or two

with the guards in Denerim, there seem to be no consequences at all to your

thievery, regardless of whether or not you get caught, so enjoy yourself, and

buy some decent armor.

[] Remember that enemies will attack whoever they see as the biggest, immediate

threat, and that they can bull their way past your front line fighters to your

heavy hitting, glass-jawed mage if they so choose to.

[] Plan accordingly: while coating a weapon in poison has been marginally

helpful to me, you can only use "grenades" if you train up the poison skill.

These can be a cheap, effective way to give any party member AoE capabilities,

so keep them in mind.

Thats about all I can think of right now, hope they help someone.How to own at Dragon Age Origins?
Alex gave great advice. My 2 cents: distributing your skill points are key!

If your a warrior, stick with STR and DEX (contrary to other rpg's like neverwinter nights et. CON is not as important.played through 6 times never touched my CON, never had any prob's)

you do get 20 free skill points by the time you finish the fade, so they help.

Rogues stick with DEX and CUN, mage obviously Will and Magic

Also, your specialization choices are a factor as well, depending on your class

enjoy the game

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